Dr. Johanna Budwig was nominated for the Noble Prize in medicine six times. She died in 2003 at the age of 95. During her career she cured 90% of her cancer patients. Hence, she was able to cure all types of cancer with the help of non-toxic ingredients which don’t have side effects. However, since she was very successful in treating patients, she became an enemy of the pharmaceutical industries. Unfortunately, they were suppressing her work since the 50s. This is the main reason why many of us are unaware of the Budwig Protocol.
Once she stated that she had the answer to cancer, but American doctors wouldn’t listen to her. They just wanted to make a deal and use her method to make profit.
It is believed that the pharmaceutical companies make a fortune from ill people. Hence, the healthy and dead patients bring no profit for them. So, it doesn’t come as a surprise that the cancer industry has no interest in finding a cure. Believe it or not, cancer is the most profitable disease in medical history and those who make money from it will do everything in their power to keep it that way.
The blood oxygen level of healthy people is between 98 and 100 when measured with a pulse oximeter, whereas in cancer patients the level is only 60. The oxygen in the blood of a cancer patient is replaced with waste such as carbon dioxide. Namely, lack of oxygen causes formation of tumors and cells must mutate in order to acquire energy from a sugar fermentation process.
This is not a biochemically “clean” process, so the waste products of fermentation which build up in the tissues cause even higher toxicity. This leads to more acidosis and oxygen deprived cells which results is multiple cancer cells. These facts were proven by Dr. Otto Warburg who won the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1931.
The Budwig Protocol is focused on stimulating the oxygen supply much faster than any other therapy, while in the same time it adjusts the body’s pH into an alkaline state. When the body has enough oxygen, the cancer cells cannot thrive.
According to Budwig, fat-free diets are problematic. So, she removed the foods which cause cellular oxygen starvation and replaced them with healthy foods and essential fatty acids. Additionally, she explained that sunlight, the natural source of vitamin D3, which has anti-cancer properties, is crucial.
The protocol is consisted of two stages. The first one is a natural remedy based on quark cheese and flaxseed oil. Usually it was ingested orally by her patients, but in the most terminal cases, she administered flaxseed oil in enema form. The second stage is a special diet which needs to be followed for 6 months, regardless of the symptoms. Let’s take a look at the two stages more thoroughly:
The first stage
1 cup quark cheese
5 tbsp of flaxseed oil or 3 tbsp of freshly ground flaxseeds
A bit of cayenne pepper
Preparation: Mix all of the ingredients until you get a homogenous mixture and then consume it orally at least once per day. Stir it with a wooden spoon, never with a metal one.
The special diet rules
Avoid sugar
Avoid animal fats
Don’t use store-bough salad dressings and toppings
Avoid mayonnaise
Avoid non-organic meat
Avoid butter and margarine
Drink only freshly squeezed veggie juices from carrots, celery, and beets
Drink a cup of tea three times per day
Use natural sweeteners like honey
Avoid processed foods
Reduce the use of chemical medicines as much as possible
Avoid soft drinks
Avoid bottled and tap water
Eat only fresh food
Additional tips
Avoid hydrogenated oils
Avoid fish oil
Take vitamin C daily
Drink green tea regularly
Avoid cosmetics and sunscreens
Avoid white bread, white rice, white sugar, white salt, and white flour
Avoid table salt
Avoid soy products and canola oil
Consume 1 tsp of coconut oil daily
Opt for alternatives to common soaps, bleaches, and detergents

source: She Used These 2 Ingredients to Make a Cure for Cancer, but Then the Government Shut Her Down
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